Our lawyer Hans Van de Wal has initiated two legal proceedings: one legal proceeding aims for the reopening of the platform, the other aims for financial compensation for all losses suffered due to the (unjustified) freezing of the platform.

Information about the legal proceedings in Antwerp about the reopening of the platform can be found under the heading "For the reopening of the platform".

The legal proceedings in Brussels aiming to get a financial compensation from the Belgian State are suspended for the time being. Since this is a civil court case and the criminal investigation is still ongoing, the judge at the civil court decided to suspend while the outcome of the criminal investigation (and possibly prosecution and trial) is still unclear. This is not uncommon and even a result from Belgian legislation which mentions that civil cases have to be paused if criminal proceedings are pending simultaneously if there is a risk of conflicting verdicts.

The reason the claim for compensation was already filed was mainly because the intentions to aim for compensation (and hold the Belgian State accountable for the actions taken by Belgian judges) should be made clear from the start, as well as to avoid the claim to become time-barred if the criminal case would drag on.

We will keep you updated once these civil proceedings would be continued.

Since these texts are written in legal-technical language,

we will not translate all of these documents verbatim,

but instead provide you with a summary of their

essential content.

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